
Showing posts from February, 1998
Today was my first professional photo shoot.. I'm really enjoying walking, and sometimes can go all the way across the room without stopping or falling.. I also like to walk in circles.. yes that's right, no hands!
Sundays are great, I love Sundays.. and so do Daddy and Mommy.. while they go to a time for worship and celebration, I get to go to the nursery and hang out with the other boys and girls. Mommy was in the nursery with me today, but no matter, I still had a great time running around and playing with everybody. I love to be active when there's people around, but by lunch time, I was puttered out, and pretty tired. I slept through the lunch hour while Mommy and Daddy ate lunch at a restaurant with some other families that are in their family group (which meets on Friday nights, so that's another time for me to visit with my friends). Sunday afternoon naps are very good for the soul.. we stopped by the church office on the way home, and there's a whole dozen of steps to go upstairs, and I love climbing them!! Next time you visit, I'll race you...
An even bigger weekend if you can imagine.. yes, I took my first steps!! I walked two steps toward Mommy, and then I walked two steps toward Daddy! They were so excited with laughter and hugs, but I don't know what the big deal is, all I did was put one foot in front of the other and fall down... it was a lot of fun though, so I'm getting some practice in, holding on loosely to the couch, and walking up and down the length of it, back and forth, back and forth. It is a lot of fun to do this walking thing... and I'm getting some practice in, holding on loosely to the couch, and walking up and down the length of it, back and forth, back and forth. You should try it sometime, it's really cathartic. The other way I practice is to hold one of Daddy's hand or one of Mommy's hand, and walk along with them. I usually take the lead, because I think they get mesmerized watching me walk since it's new to them.
This was a big weekend for me, I'm going to the next level of interactive learning! It's the start of Olympics, and it's a new start for me. Yes, put your hands together, for I'm putting my hands together in rapid succession, and it makes a great sound that some adult-types call applause! Yes, I'm clapping now! Especially at meal times. *clap clap clap* ... And, get this, I stood up by myself! Yes, Mommy and Daddy, no hands!! I'm not too good at this yet, but I'm experimenting with the best way to do this: stand up with my legs, or to hold myself up against a wall, or to use one hand first to help me up... I'll let you know when I get it perfected. And one more thing, I got a great gift from Daddy's old friend Buggs: a bullfrog! It ribbits-ribbits every time I touch it, or turn it over, or when I quick-crawl around it.. what am amazing piece of technology!