This was a big weekend for me, I'm going to the next level of interactive learning! It's the start of Olympics, and it's a new start for me. Yes, put your hands together, for I'm putting my hands together in rapid succession, and it makes a great sound that some adult-types call applause! Yes, I'm clapping now! Especially at meal times. *clap clap clap* ... And, get this, I stood up by myself! Yes, Mommy and Daddy, no hands!! I'm not too good at this yet, but I'm experimenting with the best way to do this: stand up with my legs, or to hold myself up against a wall, or to use one hand first to help me up... I'll let you know when I get it perfected. And one more thing, I got a great gift from Daddy's old friend Buggs: a bullfrog! It ribbits-ribbits every time I touch it, or turn it over, or when I quick-crawl around it.. what am amazing piece of technology!
Tonight Jeremiah has his friends Griff and Edwin sleeping over, they're playing and having a great time. We also got a new software for his computer, Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. He started his first typing lesson! He's already up to 7 WPM. Lots has happened in his life, and the parents have been too busy to be blogging for him.
Maybe one of the things he will do after he learned touch typing is blogging!
BTW, we've found a great photo album with lots of space and easy upload -- so many of the old photo links may no longer work; and most of the photos Daddy has migrated to - nicely arranged in folders by year.