I'm on my way to sunny Southern California to spend the holidays with Mommy's family. We (Mommy and I) took the first flight out of Dulles, and I'll be out there for about 3 weeks. My favorite is the sand on the beach. Daddy will come out over the weekend for a couple of days to celebrate Christmas with us, and then Mommy and Daddy will go to Urbana for a big missions conference, while I soak up the rays. Daddy took some pictures of the past month, December 2000, and he tells me it snowed on the evening after I left.
Tonight Jeremiah has his friends Griff and Edwin sleeping over, they're playing and having a great time. We also got a new software for his computer, Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. He started his first typing lesson! He's already up to 7 WPM. Lots has happened in his life, and the parents have been too busy to be blogging for him.
Maybe one of the things he will do after he learned touch typing is blogging!
BTW, we've found a great photo album with lots of space and easy upload -- so many of the old photo links may no longer work; and most of the photos Daddy has migrated to http://public.fotki.com/djchuang/jeremiah/ - nicely arranged in folders by year.