Last week I had my first ear infection! Daddy said he was so proud of me, but I didn't understand what that meant. Must've been some kind of crazy joke or something. I've been drinking a pink antibiotic stuff 3 times a day, and I've been feeling pretty good except for some runny nose, but that doesn't stop me.. both Mommy and Daddy got sick too, so I'm the healthiest one at home right now. I'm learning to get around even quicker, by crawling on my all fours: hands and feet, forget the knees. I think if you were clock me, I could probably get across a large living room in 4 flat... yeeeeooooww! Yes, I like to make noises with my mouth and everything; one of my favorites is to say booooooo and then to flip my lips with my fingers.. booooo-beeee-booooo-beeeee- booooooo-beeeeee...

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