ahhhhhh.. I'm feeling so much better, and back to my ol' energetic hyper self! I was really feeling bummed and tired all week, trying to recover from my cold and runny nose, and even had a fever as high as 103.1 just 3 days ago, but by God's grace, and some Tylenol and Motrin, it went down over the course of the evening, and now all that's left is a runny nose. tonight I went to see my Grandpa and Grandma, and visited with lots of new people for Chinese New Year dinner... I ate some chewy sticky rice.. mmmmm.. and after some walking, and peek-a-boo, and giggling, I was tired, and slept all the way home. Hey, by the way, you know what, I'm 10 months old now.
Tonight Jeremiah has his friends Griff and Edwin sleeping over, they're playing and having a great time. We also got a new software for his computer, Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. He started his first typing lesson! He's already up to 7 WPM. Lots has happened in his life, and the parents have been too busy to be blogging for him.
Maybe one of the things he will do after he learned touch typing is blogging!
BTW, we've found a great photo album with lots of space and easy upload -- so many of the old photo links may no longer work; and most of the photos Daddy has migrated to http://public.fotki.com/djchuang/jeremiah/ - nicely arranged in folders by year.